Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Heads Up!

 C.C. and Company (1970)

C.C. Ryder and his groovy biker friends are out for a little action in the desert. They come across the stranded and very gorgeous Ann-Margaret. C.C.’s two buddies try and have their wicked way with Ann so C.C. beats them up.

C.C. just isn’t part of the gang, Moon’s gang, and that is pretty bad when you consider the legendary William Smith is Moon.

Moon says things like “Shut your hole or I’ll use it as an ashtray”

Moon sets his biker chicks out to make a little cash.....You know what I’m talking about here. Everyone has a good old time.

This is good stuff so far.

C.C. and the gang gatecrash a Motocross and don’t like what they see.  Moon doesn’t like this mini-motor action so decides to have a little fun with his big bikes. C.C. watches the fun and clocks none other than Ann-Margaret, just too good to waste in a movie like this. Ann isn’t happy with the proceedings and shows her disproval with some nasty facial expressions.

C.C. leaves Moon’s camp and goes to steal himself a top of the range dirt bike. Could he  be trying to impress the lovely Ann?

C.C. is invited to enter next week’s race. He likes the idea and the gang like the idea. These guys are just fun loving bikers you know. But, Moon is not so happy.

The race begins and is an action packed affair. C.C. rides like a man possessed and yes you guessed it, comes third!!! The head Motocross man loves him. So does Ann.

But that’s not the full story folks.

C.C. crashes out, loses a wheel and carries his machine over the line.....CARRIES IT!!!!! This guy is a god.
Moon freaks out at this show of manly prowess “If you guys wanna watch this freak show man, that’s your hang up not mine”. Only William Smith can make a line like that sound really really cool.
Moon speeds off in a huff.

C.C. wants to enter the next race. He really is a crazy good for nothing fool you know. And his gang loves him.....In a 1970s style manly kind of way.

C.C. wins the overall tournament and gains himself 600 big ones (In money).

In an incredible show of generosity C.C. gives his gang 500 and keeps 100 for his own personal account.
 Moon is furious. 


And I mean good old fashioned cowboy fight. You just don’t see these anymore people. This is bloody great.
Both men give as good as they get but Moon comes off a little worse. C.C. rubs salt in the wound even more by laying Moon’s girl and getting his money back. Now he’s off for good.

C.C. goes to the head of the Motocross team for a job. This guy wants to change his ways baby. He take Ann on his Honda and rides to a night club where they get on down to a live Wayne Cochran and the C.C. Ryders  singing I Can't Turn You Loose (Hip Shakin’ Momma I Love Ya...You know it man).

We then have an instrumental sex scene (Strings and all). Ann then sings a song about the fragrance of spring flowers as we show a little montage of our new lovers falling in love.

When you smile that special smile (Sorry caught up in the lyrics there) 

Ann asks C.C. why he rides with a bad gang of boys like Moon’s. Well he just digs the freedom baby.

Anyway, after C.C. gets himself a little domesticated, he wears nice stripy slacks and goes shopping, The GANG return.

Oh No!!!!!!!

Bad Bad William Smith, Bad!

Ann is kidnapped. If Michael Winner made this she would also have been raped and bruralised.
Ann’s just kidnapped. I was happy.

We then have what I can only describe as the best sequence of dialogue I have ever heard in my life. This is between one of Moon's girls, Pig, and Ann-Margaret.

Pig “Hello, I’m Miss Pig and I’m the group recreational leader here. Would you like a dip in the pool, bowling on the green, anything you like? Don’t you look lovely in your little frock.  I used that for a bedspread last year I think.  Do you like my clothes? Straight from the goodwill bag free for nothing. Straight from the sewers you think? Could you use me on the cover of your magazine? Oh we’re just dying to hear your comments on our humble way of life compared to that of the fashion world.”

Ann “Fuck Off”


It’s now confrontation time. Moon wants $2000 to get Ann back (Well worth it baby)
How is C.C. gonna get this money? Can he stop Ann from being the focus of a “Royal Gang Bang”

What is a Royal Gang Bang?

Well, we are gonna have a race baby! 10 flat laps on their big hogs. Moon vs C.C.
Who will win?

Well I think you can figure that one out for yourselves.

C. C. And Company is not a great film but it is bloody good piece of 70s biker flick entertainment. Ex New York Jets quarterback Joe (Broadway Joe) Namath is great as C.C. William Smith is always fab and Ann-Margaret is just beautiful. Veteran TV director Seymour Robbie does a professional job and the music is great.

I loved this one when I saw it 25 years ago and I love it even more now.

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